Kemurikusa Wiki
Kemurikusa Wiki
Rina (Rinacchi, Rinaji, Rinazo, Rinayo, Rinako, Rinamu)
Power Clone, storing object inside herself
Sense Taste
Tomomi Jiena Sumi
Anime Episode 1

Rina is one of the Sisters. She can clone herself - each clone acts on its own but also as a group. She can "eat" any object and replicate it.


Joyful most of the time. She likes to tease Wakaba.

The Rinas are distinguished by minor discrepancies in their personality.

  • Rinamu - always asleep since her leaf has not fully developed yet. She wakes up in the last episode of the series, however.
  • Rinacchi - leader like
  • Rinaji - wise
  • Rinayo - always having fun
  • Rinako - died in Episode 1. Had a bad habit of sneaking food, which is unfortunately what lead to her demise.
  • Rinazo - died before the anime started. Would often get into fights over trying to eat her sisters' belongings, most notably Ryo's pipe.


Wears a maid dress. Has twin-tails. There are a number of black spheres around the hem of her skirt that can detach and sprout legs to move freely. These also instantly grow back after being used.


  • She speaks with a verbal tic of "Na"(な) at the end of her sentences. Of course, it's also part of her name.
  • In the ONA there was a 7th Rina called Rinana that died first before the start of the story.


Rina in the ONA